הסכסוך הישראלי פלסטיני
Answers to all of these questions:
why was the PLO founded before the occupation?
why did the Arab countries attack Israel in 1948?
When and how were the Palestinian people invented?
Why was there violence against Jews back in the 20’s?
Why did they reject the Partition Plan in 47
click here -
There is no Palestinain people
Why were there terror attacks before 67?
There’s no difference between Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Israeli cities inside Israel that were established over Palestinian villages
There’s no Palestinian Partner for peace, they reject every Israeli proposal
They will never recognize Israel as a Jewish state
Look what happened after Israel signed the Oslo accords
Peace is not a possibility because It is a religious conflict
Why don’t we see peace protests in Ramallah?
If the Palestinians will lower down their weapons, there will be peace
2, There is no Palestinian people
This argument, claiming the Palestinians are not a nation is pointless and irrelevant.
Even if the Palestinians don’t qualify as a “nation”, does it give Israel the right to oppress a civilian population for almost fifty years??
Does a big group of people with the same interest don’t have a right for self determination?
It is true that the Palestinian people were created by an arbitrary division of the Middle East by Great Britain and Frace around the year 1920, but it doesn’t lessen their right to live in the lands they used to live in.
3, Why were there terror attacks before 67?
One needs to understand that this Israeli-Palestinian conflict has two stages.
The first stage is the stage where the natives rejected the idea that immigrants from Europe would take over their lands under the Patronage of Great Britain.
The second stage began with the Israeli military rule over the Palestinians in 1967
the first stage of violence is no different from the violence that the Indian used against the European immigrants who came to America (for example- Jamestown massacre of 1622).
This is where the resemblance between the two cases ends, whereas native Indians are equal citizens of the United States and they have the right to vote and be elected.
But!! If, as an hypothetic scenario, the Indians would live nowadays under US military rule that would start in 67, they would might use terror against U.S citizens, and some would say that there is no problem with the military rule, don’t you remember 1622?? It was way before the military rule in 67.
The notion of considering the Palestinians as natives is well supported by the writings fo Ahad A’am in 1891 “truth from Eretz Israel”, Itzhak Epstein in 1907 “We forgot that in out sweer homeland there is a whole people who is clinging to this land for hundred of years, Recommendations of the King-Crane Commission from 1919 and in the well written essay “The Iron Wall” by Ze’ev Zhabotinsky from 1923:
"I suggest that they consider all the precedents with which they are acquainted, and see whether there is one solitary instance of any colonisation being carried on with the consent of the native population. There is no such precedent.
The native populations, civilised or uncivilised, have always stubbornly resisted the colonists, irrespective of whether they were civilised or savage.
And it made no difference whatever whether the colonists behaved decently or not. The companions of Cortez and Pizzaro or ( as some people will remind us ) our own ancestors under Joshua Ben Nun, behaved like brigands; but the Pilgrim Fathers, the first real pioneers of North America, were people of the highest morality, who did not want to do harm to anyone, least of all to the Red Indians, and they honestly believed that there was room enough in the prairies both for the Paleface and the Redskin. Yet the native population fought with the same ferocity against the good colonists as against the bad.
Every native population, civilised or not, regards its lands as its national home, of which it is the sole master, and it wants to retain that mastery always; it will refuse to admit not only new masters but, even new partners or collaborators.
This is equally true of the Arabs…. They feel at least the same instinctive jealous love of Palestine, as the old Aztecs felt for ancient Mexico, and the Sioux for their rolling Prairies… Every native population in the world resists colonists as long as it has the slightest hope of being able to rid itself of the danger of being colonised."
* Usually People tend to argue that The Palestinians are not the Natives of this land and Zionism is not a colonial movement.
It needs to be clear, trying to refute these notions won’t matter because the main question is “How did the Arabs at the beginning of the 20’s century saw the situation in real time, regardless if they were right or wrong.
** It is also worth mentioning that the Palestinians who did get equal rights and have a right to vote and be elected never rebelled against Israel and acts of terror almost doesn’t exists in their part.
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4, There’s no difference between Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Israeli cities inside Israel that were established over Palestinian villages.
All the territory inside what is called “the Green Line” is a sovereign Israeli territory. Every inhabitant who lives inside this territory has a full citizenship and all of the rights that comes along with it, including the right to vote and be elected and represented in the Israeli parliament.
On the other hand, the West Bank was never annexed to Israel and not an inch of this territory can be considered under Israel sovereignty.
Anyone who caught a glimpse of the west Bank map can see that the main goal of the Israeli settlements is to prevent the establishment of a viable Palestinian state.
As Itzhak Shamir Said in 1992:
"I would have carried on autonomy talks for ten years,
and meanwhile we would have reached half a million people
in Judea and Samaria.’
When reminded that, judging by the results of the recent election,
there is no majority for a Greater Land of Israel.
I didn’t believe there was a majority in favour of a Greater Land of Israel.
But it can be attained over time.
This must be the historic direction.
If we drop this basis, there would be nothing to prevent
the development of a Palestinian state"
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5, There’s no Palestinian Partner for peace
It is true to say that the Palestinians said no to the offers made to them by Ehud Barak in 2000 and Ehud Olmert in 2008, but could it be that the offers made by the Israeli leaders weren’t sufficient?
Could it be that Israel never made an offer that made sure there would be a territorial continuity inside the West Bank for the future West Bank?
Just look what Condoleezza Rice said about Israel’s offer back in 2008:
"They made an offer – it’s not good, but it’s not bad.... Ariel is a problem, I told them – it protrudes down far into the Palestinian state."
First of all, it is important to mention that the Palestinians made an offer as well back in 2008, An offer which Israel rejected.
Second, Accordind to an interview Made by Nahum Barnea in 2014
The Palestinians accepted these parameters:
demilitarized state;
Border outline so 80 percent of settlers would continue living in Israeli territory;
he agreed for Israel to keep security sensitive areas (mostly in the Jordan Valley - NB) for five years, and then the United States would take over.
He also agreed that the Jewish neighborhoods in East Jerusalem would remain under Israeli sovereignty,
agreed that the return of Palestinians to Israel would depend on Israeli willingness. 'Israel won't be flooded with refugees,'
Third, according to another report made in 2016, The Palestinians negotiated with representatives of the Israeli Opposition party and achieved an historic agreement including all of the core Issues:
Borders will be changed according to new facts made by Israeli settlements so there would be a land swap of 4% from the West Bank and about 70%-80% of settlers could stay where they are.
Jerusalem will be divided considering changes made by Israeli settlements and the Jewish quarter and the Wailing Wall would stay under Israeli sovereignty.
There will be a symbolic return of Palestinian refugees and some would be compensated.
Watch an interview with Gershon Baskin about this agreement (min 18)
On the other hand, According to a report by Barak Ravid, in 2014 Itzhak Molcho, Netanyahu’s representative to the Israeli-Palestinian negotiation, thwarted every attempt to open a map and make the negotiation fertile.
furthermore, Netanyahu was caught on film saying he stopped the Oslo process and sabotaged it.
after that he was caught bragging about the way he knows how to play with the American people and shift them to his direction.
As Israelis, it is our responsibility to question OUR government and not to seek and blame the other side.
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6, They will never recognize Israel as a Jewish state
First of all, we are talking about an argument Netanyahu makes to avoid negotiations and play the game “who’s the peace refusnik”, a game he prefers over negotiating about the future of Israel’s border and the future of the Israeli settlements.
Even Arafat himself talked about the need for two states for two Nations. This is an unnecessary stubbornness that only harm the negotiation. Israel doesn’t need its Jewish character to be recognized, It needs its border and its sovereignty inside Israel’s territory to be respected and recognized.
Four reasons why the Palestinians need to refuse to this demand:
It is not another country’s role to define Israel as a Jewish state.
Which other country in the world was ever require to do so? Jordan? Egypt? -
About 20% of Israel’s population is non Jewish Arabs. It is not the PLO’s role to define them as second class citizens.
Due to the fact that former foreign minister and today’s defense minister has in his party’s platform the notion of annulment of Israeli-Arabs citizenship, there’s no reason that the PLO would strengthen his party.
Acknowledging that Israel belongs to the Jews is equal to denying ahead of any, even a symbolic, return of the Palestinian refugees though it is still one of the core issues that needs to be resolved in negotiation.
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7, Where does it say that the Israeli Settlements are illegal??
The fourth Geneva convention, that is signed by Israel as well, is aimed to explain how does a country needs to interact with a civilian population which finds itself under a foreign rule due to a conflict or occupation. According to the convention, these people are considered as “protected persons”.
Article 4 states:
“Persons protected by the Convention are those who, at a given moment and in any manner whatsoever, find themselves, in case of a conflict or occupation, in the hands of a Party to the conflict or Occupying Power of which they are not nationals.”
There is an international consensus that the Palestinians are qualified as “Protected Persons” under international law.
Thus, as the Occupying country of these territories, Israel must Protect and make sure the Palestinians’ rights are protected and not harmed.
Article 49, paragraph 6, states:
“The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.”
Which mean, every transfer of a civilian population from the state of Israel to the West Bank is forbidden by international law.
Article 49, like all the other articles, has an appendix explaining its meaning and reason.
“It is intended to prevent a practice adopted during the Second World War by certain Powers, which transferred portions of their own population to occupied territory for political and racial reasons or in order, as they claimed, to colonize those territories. Such transfers worsened the economic situation of the native population and endangered their separate existence as a race”
The reality that was created these past 50 years shows clearly that the Israeli occupation hinders the Palestinians welfare and economy due to movement restriction made by the Israeli settlements and, barriers and checkpoints. In addition, only Israel has access to natural resources and their distribution.
Anyone who saw the map of the West Bank and its division to A,B and C areas, can see clearly how the Israeli settlements are aimed to prevent unity between the Palestinian ”islands” (aka A,B territories) and thus preventing the Palestinian’s right for self determination.
8, There’s no Occupation!
First of all, putting the legal status of the territory aside, there’s a matter of occupation of people. No one can refute the fact that million of people live under a foreign military rule which is being imposed on them for fifty years.
There’s an international consensus about the fact that the West Bank is considered as occupied territory.
In 2016 a letter, which was classsified as top secret back in 1968 and was sent to the Israeli ambassedor in the USA, was revealed and it sheds a light on this argument.
Apparantly, the Israeli government knew all along that the Israeli settlements (and other actions made by Israel in the occupied territories) contradict the 4th Geneva convention. Due to this fact, Israel decided to define these areas as "not occupied" but "special" (sui generalis).
This way, Israel is free from any limitations put by humanitarian laws.
The letter states as well that the US government is not going to accept this argument, and this is why the amabassador is adviced to avoid speaking about the subject.
Since then, there were two major attempts in Israel to change this status:
In 1980, the Attorney General of Israel was asked
if it is possible to change the status of the occupied
territory so it won’t be called “occupied”.
He replied as follow: (pages 8-9)
If the foreign minister would decide to proclaim the territories as “not occupied”, this question would still stay a legal issue that needs to be decided at court.
In fact, the court had ruled in the past that the Law of War takes place in these territories, so this question is irrelevant.
If these are not occupied territories, so what are they?
Let’s presume these are not occupied territories and the Humanitarian law doesn’t apply there, how can one explain all the decrees and orders that were issued and were based on the laws that apply in occupied territories?
(Since 1967, Israel found loop holes in the Laws of War to justify land grabbing).In other words, When it was convenient for Israel, the Israeli government exploited the fact that these territories are occupied. -
Is it a declaration of intent that Israel is not going to fulfill its obligation to humanitarian laws in these territories?
Does it mean there would be no restriction on the Israeli army and its treatment towards the occupied population?
Doesn’t it contradict the peace agreement with Egypt which was signed in Camp David? (Menahem Begin agreed that an autonomy would be established for the Palestinians and the status of these territories would be determined in a negotiation)
The Second attempt to change the status of the occupied territories was made in 2012 in Edmond Levy’s report.
The Israeli government knows the real consequences of adopting this report, and that’s why Israel, despite its rightist majority, decided to bury this report.
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9, Israel needs the West Bank because of security reasons
It is true to say that Israel occupied the West Bank because of security reasons back in 1967, BUT!! The decision to stay and occupy the West Bank needs to be made BY THE ARMY!
From the moment Israel started to colonize the settlements in the West Bank, the decision to stay and occupy the West Bank and the Palestinian population became a political one, and not a security matter.
As long as we keep colonizing the Israeli settlements, one can not seriously claim that it is a security issue.
If the reason Israel occupies the West Bank was a security one, there were no settlements there, only military bases.
There are some who claim that without Israeli settlements inside the West Bank, the Israeli army would just leave the territories, thus risking Israel's security. This claim is not true, Israel proved in Lebanon for nearly 20 years , that if Israel thinks the army's presence is needed, it would stay in the territory even if there are no Jewish settlements.
And two other points I want to add on this matter:
Israel existed 19 years (1948-1967) without the West Bank, with a smaller army and without any Arab allies (unlike today when we have peace with Jordan and Egypt) and Israel survived.
The organization “commanders for Israel’s Security”, comprised of 217 retired senior officials of the Israel’s security agencies, say exactly the same thing. Keeping the West bank under Israeli control might lead to the destruction of the state of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, and on the other hand, Israel has an army strong enough to keep Israel’s security even without the West bank.
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10, Look what happened after Israel signed the Oslo accords
The Oslo accords weren’t a peace agreement; it was an agreement for an interim status.
What does it mean?
It means that the occupied territories were divided to mainly two kinds of territories: “Palestinian” (A&B territories) and “Israeli” (C territories).
What does it mean in practice?
It means that the Israeli military rule over every aspect of the Palestinians’ lives ended in 1993 and the Palestinians got a limited autonomy.
On one hand, they govern their own education, police etc’…
But on the other hand, the Palestinians’ territories (A&B areas) are divided to more than 150 “islands” by the Israeli territories (C areas).
In the Palestinians point of view, their autonomy was established only to function towards a future independent state, thus hoping to achieve territorial continuity and the reduction of the “Israeli” territories in the west bank (C areas).
In reality, Israel had increased its building in the West bank and multiplied the numbers of settlers by three.
Imagine two people trying to decide how to divide a tray of pizza between themselves. Now how does it look when one of them insists that while still talking about it, he insists on eating and biting the slices which are designated to the other guy.
One can surley say that Israel actually had emptied the Oslo accords from its propose.
It is interesting to see that In fact, Israel enjoys this current situation for a couple of reasons:
As long as the Oslo accords are still valid, the illusion of a future Palestinian state lives on. As long as this illusion exists, Israel is quite free from international pressure. There is no doubt that any country in the world nowadays would agree that a country would rule over millions of people outside its sovereign borders without any hope of change in the future.
The Oslo accords took off a lot of burden from the Israeli army.
The Israeli martial law over the Palestinians from 1967-1993 constituted a great deal of economical, military, human resources and political load. There are only a mere few people who think Israel should and can return to this previous status. -
Since the Oslo Accords, the Palestinian Preventive Security Force became more and more effective and its coordination with Israel’s forces improved and helps preventing terror and violence escalation on a daily basis.
It is ironic to point out that the political plan of the far right “Jewish Home” party (aka Bennet’s Relieving Plan) is actually not different from the Oslo accords.



11, They have 22 Arab countries, why do they want ours??
There are 17 countries in South America with almost the same history and culture and religion.
Now, let’s imagine someone asking all the citizens of Chile to move out of their homes and evacuate their country because “they already have 16 other countries”.
Is there anyone who really thinks someone would leave his home in gesture of good will?
They are the residents of their land, and they the right to live in it.
The notion that “they have 21 other states” is not a real argument but a simple manipulation or an attempt to avoid reality.
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12, Peace is not a possibility because It is a religious conflict
There are two indications that prove that the main reason for this conflict is oppression and occupation and not a religious one:
Jews and Arabs lived in peace in Palestine before 1917, thus proving it’s a national conflict.
The second fact is that Arab Israelis (Palestinians who are now citizens of Israel) never launched a violent uprising against the state of Israel and terror attacks by Israeli Arabs are very rare and are denunciated by Israeli Arabs.
And yet one must remember that Israeli Arabs are still being treated as 2nd class citizens and a part of their people still live under Israeli military rule in the West Bank.
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is actually not different from other national conflicts from the past.
These other conflicts were characterized by emerges of terror groups who harmed civilians and these conflicts always led to the independence of the oppressed side or its full integration.
Britain – Ireland
Michael Collins led a terror organization that used guerilla tactics and terror attacks against Britain: e.g. in 21/11/1920 a squad of terrorists attacked 19 people, 14 of them died, including soldiers, police officers and British civilians.
Ireland got its Independence in 1921 and Collins is remembered as the liberator of Ireland.
Britain – North Ireland
While Ireland got its independence, Northern Ireland was still occupied by Britain. This wasn’t a religious conflict between Catholics and Protestants, but a conflict between native Irish people who were Catholics and British occupation and British settlers (Protestants who were descendants of the Ulster Plantation and constituted 50% of Northern Ireland’s population).
This conflict led to the creation of PIRA terror organization that fought against the occupation and caused the death of 1,000 British forces and 640 civilians.
The conflict ended with the Good Friday Agreement that gave the Irish full democratic rights.
France – Algeria
France occupied Algeria since 1830 and started inhabiting French settlers in colonies inside Algeria. By the midst of the 20’s century there were about 1.5 million French settlers (Pied-Noir).
This led to the creation of the FLN terror organization that used guerrilla and terror against the French occupation.
FLN attacks caused death to 25,000 French soldiers and 3,000 French citizens (mainly pier-noir).
In 1962 France accepted Algeria’s request for independence and evacuated all French settlers from Algeria.
Black People under South Africa’s Apartheid regime
“Umkhonto we Sizwe” (The Spear of the Nation) was the militant force of ANC (the African movement to end the Apartheid regime) that used terror against the Apartheid regime.
One of its most famous acts was in 20/5/1983 when they detonated a bomb in Pretoria which killed 19 people. Furthermore, they used mines on the sides of roads, killing 25 civilians.
At the beginning of the 90’s the Apartheid regime was cancelled and Black people in South Africa became citizens with equal civil rights.
Jews under the British Mandate
Britain controlled Palestine between the years 1917 till 1948.
When the Jews started to feel that Britain is not committed to the creation of a Jewish state anymore, they started seeing them as an occupying force that needs to be expelled.
In the late 30’s and 40’s The Etzel and Lehi organizations were created and used guerrilla and terror attacks against British soldiers and Arabs civilians and militants.
Jews who stood in the head of these organizations were considered terrorists by Britain, E.g. Itzhak Shamir, Israel’s 7th prime minister, called himself Michael (after Michael Collins, Ireland’s liberator) and was described by British Foreign Office in the 1940s as "among the most fanatical terrorist leaders".
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13, The Problem is Palestinian incitement
There is no illusion that there isn’t Palestinian incitement but does a Palestinian kid, who live under foreign military rule for 50 years, really needs indoctrination and incitement to learn to hate his occupier and oppressor?
What affects this kid more, Indoctrination in Schools and TV or the reality?
Let’s presume that there was no incitement in Palestinian society, will it mean that check points and Israeli settlements disappear, administrative detentions end and a Palestinian state would be established? No.
Would this kid learn to accept all of the above in good will?
It is important to notice that according to a research made in Israel and Palestine, Palestinian incitement is not inciting as we might think.
It is also important to remember that Abu Mazen is well aware of the incitement that exists in Palestine and had offered, with the Americans, to gather a committee that will check and review the incitement that exists both in Israel and Palestine.
It was Israel that rejected this committee.
What about the indoctrination in Israel?
Is there no incitement in Israel? Doesn’t an impassioned and fiery discourse exist in Israel against Arabs and leftists??
Doesn’t this discourse bluntly ignored by rightist members of the Israeli Knesset and politicians? In fact they indorse and even promote it!
What can one conclude when he sees that Israel’s map, as represented in Israeli schools, classes and in the media, have already annexed the West Bank and depicts it has a part of Israel?
Doesn’t it constitute indoctrination and creates a false discourse?
For Israel had never annexed the West Bank.
This false discourse serves the right wing for any Israeli, a student or a grownup, who sees these maps, is sure that Israel needs to “give up” part of its land for peace, despite the fact that the West Bank is not really a part of Israel!
This Is the Way Israel's map looks like in Israeli schools and media



This is the way Israel's map look like all over the world:












14. Why don’t we see peace protests in Ramallah?
People tend to forget that this is not a symmetrical conflict between two sides, but a conflict between an oppressor and people who live under the oppressor’s military rule.
When did it ever happen in history that people who lived under occupation and oppression cried out for peace with its oppressors??
History shows us again and again that the approach that people under occupation take, first of all, is to fight against their oppressors and put an end to their oppression and only afterwards talk about peace.
Nonetheless, there are numerous peace movements in Palestine, which unfortunately, don’t get mentioned in the media.
Here are some names of peace organizations that are worth mentioning:
Yala young leaders, Seeds of peace, Zimam and Combatants for peace.
Either way, Palestinian peace groups suffer from the same problems of despair and weakness as Israeli peace groups do, considering the reality in the region and the lack of success in the peace process and the ongoing occupation.
15. The Israeli Army is the most moral army in the world
The IDF is the most moral army relatively to an army that imposes its authority on two million people who don’t want its authority.
The Question is: how many armies in the world impose their authority over millions of people who live outside the sovereign borders of the country’s army?
Back in 1967 Israel made a choice to put the Palestinians under Israeli military rule due to the inevitability that was created after the Six Days War.
BUT! The fact that Israel started to settle Israeli Jews in the territories it occupied in the Six days War clarifies that the security consideration to rule over the Palestinian wasn’t really playing a role.
In fact, the only reasons the Palestinians live under Israeli military rule are the faith in the ideology of “Greater Israel” and the simple disregarding the Palestinians.
The problem of the IDF’s morality is not the soldiers who comprise it, but its mission which is to impose its authority on people who want don’t want to be ruled by a foreign sovereignty.
Listen to the Soldiers who were there in the first intifada….
Listen to the soldiers who served in Hebron.
16. If the Palestinians will lower down their weapons, there will be peace
Actually, it’s exactly the opposite; if the Palestinians will lower their weapons, they will be forgotten.
The Israeli public is an escapist society and doesn’t want to know about the occupation, the Palestinians and the conflict.
Only when Israelis’ routine is interrupted by Palestinian terror attacks, they are reminded that the Palestinians exist.
One must admit the truth, If the Palestinians would lower their weapons, life would continue as usual: Israelis will enjoy their lives, constructions in the Israeli settlements would flourish, Palestinians would live under Israeli occupation and the world will keep silent.
What do people think, that if there won’t be any terror attacks by Palestinians for ten years and they learn to sing the Israeli anthem, Israel willingly evacuate 100,000 settlers from their homes??
No! They would just say: “what’s the rush?! There’s no pressure”
It is interesting to look at the year 2012, a year in which there was zero Israelis dead in the West Bank and the cooperation between Israeli and Palestinian forces were at its best.
The public support in a peace process among Israelis was at its lowest point.
Even Shelly Yachimovich, who was the head of the opposition in the Israeli parliament, had neglected the Palestinians issue and flattered the settlers.
(here's another link to an interesting article about Yachimovich)
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17. Jordan is a Palestinian state
No, Jordan is not a Palestinian state.
If we would have wanted to live in Italy and to do so, would have expelled 10 million Italians to Slovenia, does it make Slovenia an Italian state?? The answer is clearly, no…
First of all, there are 9 million people in Jordan and only 2 or 3 million of them are Palestinians.
Second, Jordan got its independence back in 1946 and was empty of Palestinians.
The Palestinians arrived as refugees to Jordan only when violence started rising in 1947 till the end 1949 when truce was signed between Israel and the neighboring countries.
King Abdullah the 1st, wanted to enlarge Jordan on the expense of the Palestinians and annexed the West Bank to Jordan unilaterally.
The Palestinians did live under Jordanian occupation about 18 years, they revolted twice against the occupation and even assassinated the king.
18. The Israeli media is leftist
One must remember that one of the most important roles that media has is to guard Democracy and represent the “transparent people” who get hurt by the system.
From the moment Israel occupied the West Bank (and did not annex it) and its 2 million inhabitants, the media must remember its role and remind the viewers and readers that Israel controls a civilian population against their will outside Israel’s sovereign borders.
The media must remind us, on a daily basis, that it is Israel that holds the responsibility of Palestinians welfare under the forth Geneva Convention and the Palestinians are considered as “protected persons”.
The Israeli media must cover on a daily basis the Palestinian’s human rights condition.
Therefore, the fact that the Israeli media fails to do so means the Israeli media is just “not leftist”, it’s actually failing to do its job.
By distorting and omitting facts, the Israeli media acts as an extension of the IDF’s spokesman, demonizes Palestinians and takes a great part in nurturing the myth of “Small Israel against the antiemetic world”.
For examples click on this link (the page is in Hebrew)
In fact, if the Israeli media wouldn’t have failed its job, B’Tselem organization wouldn’t have been established, and a functioning Israeli newscast would have sounded like this:
“Good evening.
Today, the Israeli army still holds responsibility over 3 million Palestinians for nearly fifty years against their will, thus, must comply with international law and protect their rights.
Yet, hundreds of Palestinians sit in administrative detention without seeing a lawyer or a judge and furthermore almost half a million Israelis live in settlements outside the sovereign state of Israel defying international law.
Have a good evening, and now let’s turn to our weather report....”
(Showing a map of Israel without the West Bank which, as well known, was never annexed to Israel).
19. Israel withdrew from Gaza and look what happened
The occupation never really ended in Gaza
It is important to remember that the disengagement was executed unilaterally and Abu Mazen was declared as irrelevant by Israel’s PM Ariel Sharon. This strengthened the radicals and weakened the moderates in Palestinian society.
Even before the disengagement, it was clear that as long that Israel controls all the passages to the Gaza strip, the economic situation in Gaza would stay under Israel’s control.
Here are two interesting articles (link 1, link 2)that were written before the disengagement and predict Gaza’s economy and explains Israel’s responsibility.
Though Israel had disconnected from the Gaza strip, people in Gaza never disconnected them selves from the West Bank, thus military actions made by Israel in the West Bank led to a rocket launching from Gaza.
(p.6 in pdf)
Despite security obstacles Israel had met, Israel didn’t fully implement the “Passages Agreement” which led to deterioration in Gaza’s economy and unemployment.
Israel deliberately harmed Gaza’s economy
After Hamas took over leadership in the Gaza strip, Israel had decided to impose a siege on Gaza to keep it on a brink of collapse.
Israel put many restrictions on goods to Gaza and Gaza’s situation had deteriorated
while Israel tries to make living only bearable enough so “People won’t starve”.
Only after the flotilla incident in 2010 Israel decided to ease the restrictions against passage of goods to Gaza.
Yet Israel kept its control on Gaza’s access to the sea and lands, thus harming fishing and agriculture.
Though import to Gaza had improved after the flotilla incident, export from Gaza was still grim.
Why is it Israel’s responsibility and not Egypt’s?
85% of Gaza’s export market is the West Bank, so it is Israel responsibility to let it happen, thus Gaza’s economy depends on Israel approval, not Egypt’s.
Why can’t they export goods via the sea?
Because Israel is the one who refuses that there will be a harbor in Gaza.
In December 2013 the Netherlands had offered Israel to buy X-ray scanner machines to ease transfers of goods from Gaza to the West Bank, Israel simply said no.
Funny to see that Israel changed its policy on this issue only after operation Protective Edge.
Hamas is an organization that had developed and changed on the course of time and is not pure evil as people tend to simplify and depict it.
Hamas started as a religious social group and constituted opposition to Fatah group.
After Fatah signed the Oslo accords with Israel, Hamas, rejecting any treaty or normalization with Israel, conducted and issued deadly terror attacks against Israeli civilians.
In time, Hamas had evolved to a legit political party and won the democratic election in the PLO.
Israel, the USA and Fatah didn’t know how to react to this victory and refused Hamas taking over the PLO.
Israel helped Fatah to hold its position in the West Bank, but Hamas successfully took control over the Gaza Strip.
Here comes a change: With great power comes great responsibility, after Hamas took over Gaza, they understood that they need to take care of the welfare of two million people.
After Operation Cast Lead in 2008, Hamas started to change its attitude and tried the diplomatic path in stead of terror and violence towards Israel.
What does it mean?
For starters, It means that they declared that they are willing to compromise on a Palestinian state on the 67 border line:
3.3.2006, 27.6.2006, 9.11.2008, 22.9.2009 (link in Hebrew), 16.6.2009 (link in Hebrew),
1.12.2010, 21.11.2012, 30.01.2013, 2013, 27.7.2016.
In addition to these declarations, Hamas’ leadership shows again and again they want quiet and tries to stop militians from shooting rockets to Israel
link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4, link 5, link 6, link 7 , link 8, link 9
(If you google Hamas arrest Rocket, you will get dozens of links).
There’s no illusion, Hamas doesn’t like Israel and probably never will, but they would prefer quiet instead of bringing disaster to the Palestinians who live in Gaza.
Hamas, unlike Fatah who are considered in Palestine as corrupted and Israelis’ allies, wants to maintain its “role” as protectors of the Palestinian people and that’s why they will continue to arm themselves. Yet Hamas tries to avoid confrontations with Israel due to Israel’s superiority.
Should Israel Make peace with Hamas???
Hamas like any other political group feeds on the public’s political support.
No Israeli needs or is asked to like Hamas, but It is in Israel’s interest to keep quiet.
This can only be achieved when people in Gaza would live well and when they know they have something to lose.
Israel’s army and intelligence is strong and efficient enough to make sure Israel’s citizens won’t live under a threat from Gaza.
Hamas showed again and again that they are not afraid to use violence against Israel. Israel needs to get to the point when Hamas understands that violence will just risk them and the Palestinians.
Maybe Hamas will never change and will always endorse violence, but if people in Palestine including the Gaza Strip, would live well and without occupation, in time people would stop supporting a political party that endorses violence and might risk them.
In history, two approaches were taken towards Germany:
After World War One, the winning allies humiliated and punished Germany in Treaty of Versailles. This led to radicalization of Germany’s society and the rise of the Nazi party.
After World War Two, the winning allies tried a different approach towards Germany. The USA initiated the Marshall Plan which supported Europe and Germany after the war and eventually led to the situation in Europe today.
Unfortunately, Since the Disengagement from Gaza back in 2005, Israel had never taken the prosperity and welfare of people in Gaza seriously enough. It is in Israel’s biggest interest to make sure Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank will thrive. Either way Israel definitely must not be the one who puts hurdles in their attempts to achieve prosperity.
How do you explain Operation Protective Edge in 2014?
Apart of the fact that export from Gaza was prohibited prior to the operation, one must remember what came before it and how it escalated.
Hamas and Fatah reached an agreement and established a united government.
In the agreement between the two parties, Hamas adopted Fatah’s approach and not vise versa.
Abu Mazen said he recognizes the state of Israel and so will the joint government.
Three Hamas combatants who worked on their own kidnapped and killed three Israeli young settlers and harmed Hamas’ attempts to change their reputation as a terror group reputation.
Mashaal, Hamas leader said afterwards that they were Hamas people who did it, but he learned about it from the media.
“We learned about these confessions from the Israeli investigation...
Hamas political leadership was not aware of all these details.
We learned about it later on,”
Israel initiated Operation Brother’s Keepers to search after the three settlers.
Unfortunately, Operation Brother’s Keepers wasn’t just an operation to find the three boys but an attempt to initiate war with Hamas by provoking Hamas’ leadership with mass arrests and confiscation of money which withhold Hamas from paying more than 40 thousands salaries.
MK Ofer Shelah who was a member in Israel’s security cabinet at the time,
said in an interview after the Gaza war in 2014:
“How can one explain Israel’s behavior during Operation Brother’s Keeper?” Shelah asks. “You know there’s a danger of a possible flare-up in Gaza, but is that taken into account when you escalate the offensive against Hamas in the West Bank? The IDF arrested hundreds of Hamas activists in the West Bank, including dozens of senior figures and more than 50 who had been freed in the Shalit deal a reference to the prisoner swap that led to the return of captive soldier Gilad Shalit, and also struck at Hamas’ civilian networks across the West Bank. This was totally unrelated to the effort to find the three boys.
“Why does Israel announce, while the operation is still ongoing, that the goal is to dismantle the Hamas-Fatah conciliation government? Israel knows that this means it will be impossible to pay salaries in Gaza, thereby pushing Hamas even more strongly up against the wall, even as it’s deployed for an attack via a tunnel at Kerem Shalom.”
The disengagement from Gaza was a success eventually
How many Israeli civilians died since the disengagement (past 11 years) and how many Israeli civilians died in the 5 years prior to the disengagement from Gaza?
Since Israel a line between Israel and the Gaza strip, how many terrorists came out of Gaza and committed terror attacks in Israel? Around zero…. In the same period of time, how many terrorists came from the West Bank and committed terror attacks in Israel?
Would you really risk and settle thousand of families inside the Gaza strip, a place full of Palestinians who don’t like Israelis, and order battalions of soldiers to guard them 24/7 and sacrifice their lives so these families could live among a dense population of Palestinians?
What about Israel’s International status?
Israel gets a silent approval from the international community and even support to use its full force against Gaza every time a combat round occurs.
This is contrary to Israel’s status in the West Bank, where Israel can not build a single house without condemnations from the international community.In every round of combat Israel gets only mere pleas to try put an ending to the violence because of loss of human life.
Some people may say that the Goldstone report contradicts this point, well, it doesn’t!
Goldstone came to the region to make a report about Operation Cast Lead, He asked both sides to cooperate with him and his crew and Israel said NO.
Israel’s reputation got damaged by the report because it was unilateral (due to Israel refusal to cooperate with the committee) and only after the report was presented and the damage was done, Israel decided to cooperate. Goldstone himself said afterwards that if he knew what he knows now (after Israel presented its findings) the report would have looked different.
Either way, Israel’s Hasbara made its full effort to demonize Goldstone, a thing that led even to his expulsion from his grandson’s Bar Mitzva.
20. There's no danger of Israel becoming an Apartheid state
In the past 10 years, the word Occupation is being replaced with the word Apartheid in the context of the Israeli rule over the west Bank.
Israel's deteriorating status in the international community and the increasing numbers of NGO who endorse a boycott against Israeli products requires Israel to address this analogy seriously.
The entities that endorse the boycott are taking example from the fall of the Apartheid regime is South Africa, hoping a similar boycott would bring the same result in Israel’s case.
There are two things one must understand: what is Apartheid, and how those who endorse the boycott compare the Apartheid to the situation in Israel.
So what is Apartheid?
Apartheid refers to the balance of power between the White and Black population in South Africa in the 20's century.
It is important to make a distinction between two kinds of Apartheid: Petty and Grand.
Petty Apartheid's consequences are less harmful to the everyday life of the oppressed population but its media effect is much greater.
These includes "benches for white people", segregation in buses, etc...
Grand Apartheid, on the other hand, is less apparent and yet its consequence are much greater.
Grand Apartheid is basically a situation where only one population rules the state while the other has no say in it.
How does it reflect in everyday’s life?
First of all, only one population has the right to vote and to be elected to the parliament, only one population has access to natural resources and decides how it would be distributed, and the most important is a territorial segregation.
How was this "territorial segregation" manifested in South Africa?
Black people got partial autonomy in remotely and separated enclaves inside the state of South Africa.
One might see them as separated "islands" and got the infamous nickname Bantustans.
Passing from one Bantustan to the other required an approval from the White's authority.
What are the claims of those who compare the situation in Israel to the Apartheid?
Petty Apartheid doesn't really exist in Israel except of numerous cases like a ban against Arab workers or segregation in busses. These incidents usually end when the Israeli government gets involved and its ministers condemn them.
Actually, the fact that there's no Petty Apartheid in Israel enables the Grand Apartheid to exist due to the lack of criticism by the media. -
The 67 border line became irrelevant- when referring to Israel, one must see the land from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean Sea as one political unit.
One must understand that occupation is only a temporary state, but after Israel had placed around half a million settlers in the West bank, it became no longer a temporary state but a annexation Da-Facto.
The 67 border line became so blur by the Israeli population that it is became transparent even in the maps located at schools and in the media. -
If Israel had annexed the West bank, it is only logical that every one who lives between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean sea would have a right to vote and be elected to the parliament, but that is not the case.
There are some people who claim that Israel is not an Apartheid state because Israeli Arab gets to represent their community in the Israeli Parliament.
No! That's not enough! If Israeli government's decisions effect all the population between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea, then the Palestinians deserve a right to vote as well in the Israeli parliament.
On the other hand, if Israelis claim that it's not apartheid because the West Bank in not really annexed to Israel, then they would have to explain the existence of half a million settlers inside the West Bank. -
Israel is the Only entity that has control on natural resources in the land, including the water in the aquifer located in the West bank,
The Water distribution is controlled by the Israeli company Mekorot, who doesn't distribute the water equally between the two populations. -
The Oslo accords assembled Palestinians in the AB areas, thus the Palestinians live in around a hundred of "islands" inside the West Bank. Passing from one island to the other usually requires an approval from the coordination and liaison administration of the IDF (Cogat).
The map that was created by the Oslo accords and is still relevant today resemble the Bantustans map from the Apartheid regime.
here are people who claim that Apartheid doesn't exists in Israel because the White people in South Africa were the minority, and Jews are still the Majority in Israel. This claim is irrelevant; the comparison is being done between the qualities of the regime, not the quantity of the population.
Here is an interesting artical made a lecturer in the university.
his main points are:
1. The land was empty, we made it florish.
2. they have so many countries, why do they want ours??
3. their situation here is better than the situation in neighbouring countries
4. There are so many crimes against civilians in other countries, why does the western world bother us??
The writer of this artical was a lecturer in the international politics at the University of South Africa and it was written in October 12, 1989.
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